Below are our articles on the subject of Cautions. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Are you Under or Over Insured?
Insurance is something you purchase once and forget about, right? Wrong. When life really starts happening, the little things like having children, being involved in…...
Extended Warranties Vs the Protection Given by the Law
As Standard Warranty coverage, which is provided by Law, provides consumers with more than enough protection, opting for an Extended Warranty appears to make no sense.…...
How to Resolve Insurance Issues
If you experience difficulties making an insurance claim, or you are dissatisfied with the level of service your insurance company provides, there are a number of…...
Indemnity Insurance: What Your Skills Could Cost You
If you offer a professional service that involves providing clients with advice or a personal level of service, Professional Indemnity Insurance can protect you from…...
Questionnaire: Under or Overinsured?
Are you paying too much for your insurance cover, or nowhere near enough? Answer our insurance questionnaire to find out if you have a tendency to underinsure or…...
Reasons Why an Insurance Company May Void Your Policy
We look at a variety of different insurance policies and explain the reasons behind some insurance companies refusal to pay out on them...
Ten Important Facts About Insurance
Think that insurance is all about smallprint and lengthy policy documents? Think again. Here are some facts and vital statistics about insurance....
The Importance of Coverage Review
Implementing a regular insurance coverage review will allow you to stay ahead of any possible financial calamities that may occur. An annual policy check-up will give…...
The Top 5 Insurance Policies to Avoid
Beware the lure of tempting money saving offers, when it comes to protecting yourself with insurance. There is a policy to meet each one of your needs, and plenty more…...